
VFR Flight Planner

Flight planner

Click below to try:

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URL search parameters

Local vs remote tiles concept

The assumption is that local tiles, by default located in ./tiles next to the html file, can be used as alternative background map layer. User can download the offline version from https://github.com/rogalmic/flight-planner/releases , which contains some tiles up to zoom level 6, then add more zoom levels for specific location from any source. This way planning can be done in offline scenario. User can also set 2 different urls for local/remote tiles, then switch then during planning (topography vs airspace).

Weather info

Since this project goal is to be simple calculation helper, the wind is set manually. However once route is set, there is a way to query METARs and TAFs for given route. User needs to manually read the weather info and input wind direction and speed.




Dev Requirements

  1. Get repo

    git clone "https://github.com/rogalmic/flight-planner.git"
    code "./flight-planner/"
  2. Select debug option (chrome or firefox)
  3. Run debug session
  4. Optionally load tiles in proper folder structure to ./tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png (EPSG:3857 format)